As a group we didn't actually get on with AGON because of the conflict between players and between players and GM. This didn't suit our play style. None-the-less I think AGON is a great idea and its setting and premise is one I wanted to use. Consequently I went about changing AGON to a non-competitive, D6 based RPG that I thought I and my players would enjoy more. I based my changes on a simple D6 engine developed by my friend Pierre DeHall which, in turn, is based on several other systems out there all of which can trace their origins to ideas and techiniques used in improv theatre.
Which all sounds terribly avante-garde but isn't as 'out there' as it seems. Character sheet:
The Rules
Here are the rules, you will still need a copy of AGON to play Characters Choose a name. Choose a heroic trait which gives an extra die to rolls governed by it. Allocate dice to skills. Choose patron deity who will add one die to each of their spheres of influence. Skills: Arete: Insight, Grace, Might, Spirit Battle: Aim, Shield, Spear, Sword Craft: Lore, Music, Orate, Heal Sport: Athletics, Cunning, Hunt, Wrestle Each skill starts at 3D6. Within each set of four skills one may be lowered by a single die to increase another by a single die. Finally an extra die can be added to two skills of the player's choosing. Play. When an action has consequences: Determine an appropriate skill and roll all dice. Take the highest. Extra 6s count as +1 each. (Combat specific results are in brackets). 1 or less- serious consequence by the GM (Player is dying or dead) 2 no and (player suffers a major wound) 3 no 4 yes if (player suffers a minor wound) 5 yes but (Player suffers a penalty of -1 die for their next action)) 6 yes (Wound an opponent, kill a minor opponent) 7 yes and (Seriously wound an opponent. Kill more than one minor opponent) 8 yes and and (Kill an opponent. Kill several minor opponents) 9+ - Player narrates the scene (Total victory, those not dead flee or surrender) Fate points Use a fate point to: Re-roll Add a 5 to a roll result Find a needed item nearby Each time a Fate Point is used add one to your running Fate total. When Fate catches up to your Legend your hero retires and you determine their final fate. You can use as many Fate Points as you wish but bear the above in mind. Glory Glory is gained by achieving the goals that the gods have set. Glory is spent to add dice to pools. Glory equal to the next number of dice adds a dice. eg. To add a dice to a pool of 5 requires 6 Glory. Legend The legend of your hero grows each time:
Injuries and death Light wounds (-1 die) are cured by medical attention or a night’s sleep. Serious wounds (-2 dice) require longer medical attention, Unconscious and dying requires immediate medical help followed by hospitalisation or magical/divine intervention. |
1: The Ionian Boar Selene was a Titan goddess in Greek mythology, daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia. She had two siblings, Helios and Eos. She was the goddess of the moon, which she drove every night across the skies. Selene was linked to Artemis as well as Hecate; all three were considered lunar goddesses. In Greek mythology, Eos is a Titaness and the goddess of the dawn, who rose each morning from her home at the edge of the Oceanus. Finding the boar’s lair The lair is only visible in moonlight. The boar isn’t at home, it hunts at night. During the day it sleeps and cannot be woken, even if its tusks are removed. Travelling through the forests, waylaid by the Children of the Forest who eat strangers. They live up in the trees, there is no sign of them on the ground, no paths or settlements. Do they know how to find the boar’s lair? Yes but why would they tell? The cyclops guards a tool to remove the tusks. The townspeople know about the Children of the Forest who eat people, the Boar who prowls the forest and the Giant who throws rocks at the moon and the goddess Selene who lights their way when they fish at night for the squid that fluoresce in the moonlight. The Children of the Forest live up in the trees to avoid the Boar. They know where the boar lives and will reveal the location if their enemy the Cyclops is killed. They fear the cyclops on the mountain whose rocks often harm them The cyclops guards the Moonpool where Selene’s sickle lies, chipped from the moon by one of his rocks. The sickle is a crescent of magically sharp moon rock. “Heroes. I require the tusks of the Silver Boar of Ion to adorn my new temple in Selinus. The boar is sacred to me and must not be harmed or made to suffer. Remove its tusks with a smile taken from my own face by the Cyclops Arges and all will be well.” The journey: 1) Arrive on the island of Ion at the port of Selinus where a new temple to Selene is being built. Selinus fronts a crescent-shaped bay where the local fishermen tend their boats. The fishermen fish at night for squid that fluoresce in the moonlight. Rumours/local knowledge: The silver boar is immune to all weapons. It hunts at night and kills people that stray into the forest. The Children of the Forest live in the trees to avoid the boar. They are fierce cannibals. There is a god of the mountain that is always angry. He throws rocks. 2) Go into the forest and meet the Children of the Forest. Maybe meet the boar if it’s night time. Overcome the Children of the Forest in combat to gain their respect and open dialogue or convince them to befriend the heroes some other way. Rumours/local knowledge: the Children of the Forest fear the cyclops and want him dead. Learn of the cyclops up on the mountain. His rocks kill Children of the Forest who venture too far up the mountain. In return for killing the Cyclops, the Children of the Forest will reveal the whereabouts of the boar’s burrow. 3) Travel to the top of the island through treacherous terrain and dangerous animals. And mysterious falling rocks. Meet Arges who guards the moon pool and hates the moon because of unrequited love on his part. Kill him and return with proof to find out the boar’s sleeping place. Find the moon rock sickle, unbelievably sharp in the pool. Hidden beneath the reflection of the crescent moon in the water. 4) Once the sleeping boar is found, use the sickle to claim the tusks. Travel to the town of Selinus on the island and place the tusks in the new temple. Glory for Killing the cyclops Retrieving the sickle Getting and delivering the tusks, Extra glory if the sickle is left in the temple. You can read a play through of the Ionian Boar adventure by clicking on the banner below.