Andrew at Crafts and Minis got me interested in #HobbyStreak last year when he began posting his videos and tweets about his daily progress in the hobby. The idea is that you do a little every day and record it on Twitter with the #HobbyStreak hashtag so that people can follow along and, together with everyone else who's doing the same, you can see some real progress as time passes.
This year I decided to give it a try. You can follow my daily updates on my Twitter feed and, from time to time I'll be updating this page with my progress as well.
This year I decided to give it a try. You can follow my daily updates on my Twitter feed and, from time to time I'll be updating this page with my progress as well.
Day 579 1st August 2021. My latest painting update.
Day 580 2nd August 2021. I've assembled and base coated the last of my Crimea Russians, two artillery pieces with their crews and the army commanders.
Day 581 3rd August 2021. I've started to colour the last of my Crimea Russians.
Day 582 4th August 2021. Today I had my first face-to-face game in over 18 months. Mark came over and we played Crossfire.
Day 583 5th August 2021. Good progress on the last of my Crimean Russians.
Day 584 6th August 2021. Today Mark came round again and we had a 2nd, larger game of Crossfire which I filmed.
Day 585 7th August 2021. Tonight we played the 29th instalment of our ongoing Cyberpunk ttrpg using the Wired Neon City rules. Techno-Voodoo rites were interrupted, the Police Commissioner was interrogated and Chickens were rounded up.
Day 586 8th August 2021. I've made a video showing a compete Crossfire game.
Day 587 9th August 2021. The last of my Crimean Russians are complete.
Day 588 10th August 2021. The last of my Crimean Russians are based.
Day 589 11th August 2021. Mark and I played our first Crimean game to try out the rules. My British defeated Mark's Russians.
Day 590 12th August 2021. I've started work on the last of my Crimean British.
Day 591 13th August 2021. I've painted one of my model Russian buildings from Hovels, nothing fancy, quick and effective.
Day 592 14th August 2021. Tonight we played the 30th instalment of our ongoing Cyberpunk ttrpg using the Wired Neon City rules. The team stormed the Goji Tower to confront their nemesis but were caught by surprise when the tower became a rocket and they found themselves in orbit.
Day 593 15th August 2021. Good progress on the last of the British for my Crimean project.
Day 594 16th August 2021. I've finished the last of the British for my Crimean project.
Day 595 17th August 2021. I've based the last of the British for my Crimean project. Buildings next.
Day 596 18th August 2021. Mark and I played our second Crimean game to get more familiar with the rules. Mark's Russians won the day this time.
Day 597 19th August 2021. I've painted my Hovels Russian buildings. This completes my Crimea project as planned but I have two more Russian infantry units and two more Russian guns on the way because they need a numerical advantage to give a good game.
Day 598 20th August 2021. I spent today adding supplementary bases to my Zulu collection to try and cure the base warping. Seems to have worked.
Day 599 21st August 2021. I've started on the first of two extra Russian infantry units for my (completed) Crimean project.
Day 600 22nd August 2021. Good progress on the first of two extra Russian infantry units for my (completed) Crimean project.
Day 601 23rd August 2021. I've finished the first of the two extra Russian infantry units for my (completed) Crimean project.
Day 602 24th August 2021. I've based the first of the two extra Russian infantry units for my (completed) Crimean project and prepared the second one as well as the two Russian guns with their crews.
Day 603 25th August 2021. Good progress on the second of my Russian reinforcement units.
Day 604 26th August 2021. I've finished the second of my Russian reinforcement units.
Day 605 27th August 2021. I've finished the extra two artillery stands for my Crimean Russians.
Day 606 28th August 2021. Tonight we played the first game in our new ttrpg campaign of Beach Patrol. I get to be a player for a change whilst Giro runs the game.
Day 607 29th August 2021. All the Russian reinforcement units for my Crimean project are based.
Day 608 30th August 2021. I've prepped some Gestapo miniatures for my Crossfire project.
Day 609 31st August 2021. Progress on the Gestapo miniatures for my Crossfire project.