Day 1477 1st February 2024. Time for some more ACW scenery.
Day 1478 2nd February 2024. Progress on my ACW scenery.
Day 1479 3rd February 2024. My ACW camp is done.
Day 1480 4th February 2024. Starting on some ACW buildings.
Day 1481 5th February 2024. Progress on my ACW buildings.
Day 1482 6th February 2024. Two of my ACW buildings are complete.
Day 1483 7th February 2024. My latest hobby update.
Day 1484 8th February 2024. My ACW buildings are finished.
Day 1485 9th February 2024. I've assembled the last of my ACW miniatures.
Day 1486 10th February 2024. I've base coated the last of my ACW miniatures.
Day 1487 11th February 2024. I've started on the last of my ACW miniatures.
Day 1488 12th February 2024. Good progress on the last of my ACW miniatures.
Day 1489 13th February 2024. The last of my ACW miniatures are nearl complete.
Day 1490 13th February 2024. Just metals and flesh left to do.
Day 1491 14th February 2024. Two skirmishing zouves and a gun completed.
Day 1492 15th February 2024. Everything is being based.
Day 1493 16th February 2024. Everything is based.
Day 1494 17th February 2024. I've assembled 20 more picket fence sections and started undercoating them.
Day 1495 18th February 2024. I've finished the base colour on my picket fencing.
Day 1496 19th February 2024. 20 more sections of fencing complete.
Day 1497 20th February 2024. I've assembled some Turkish infantry and artillery for my Crimean project.
Day 1498 21st February 2024. My Crimean Turks are ready for paint.
Day 1499 22nd February 2024. My Crimean Turks are underway.
Day 1500 23rd February 2024. Progress on my Crimean Turks.
Day 1501 24th February 2024. I've assembled some Bashi Bazouks and a unit of Russian dragoons for my Crimean project.
Day 1502 25th February 2024. More progress on my Turks.
Day 1503 26th February 2024. Just metals and faces to do.
Day 1504 27th February 2024. My Turkish infantry and artillery are done.
Day 1505 28th February 2024. I've started basing Turkish infantry and artillery.
Day 1506 29th February 2024. My Turkish infantry and artillery are based. I need to paint the flag edge when the glue's dry.