Andrew at Crafts and Minis got me interested in #HobbyStreak last year when he began posting his videos and tweets about his daily progress in the hobby. The idea is that you do a little every day and record it on Twitter with the #HobbyStreak hashtag so that people can follow along and, together with everyone else who's doing the same, you can see some real progress as time passes.
This year I decided to give it a try. You can follow my daily updates on my Twitter feed and, from time to time I'll be updating this page with my progress as well.
This year I decided to give it a try. You can follow my daily updates on my Twitter feed and, from time to time I'll be updating this page with my progress as well.
Day 1357 1st October 2023. My latest painting update.
Day 1358 2nd October 2023. The third group of Landsknecht pike is done.
Day 1359 3rd October 2023. My Landsknecht pike are in position.
Day 1360 4th October 2023. My Landsknecht pike command and looters are drilled and ready.
Day 1361 5th October 2023. My Landsknecht pike command and looters are ready for paint.
Day 1362 6th October 2023. I've started painting my Landsknecht pike command.
Day 1363 7th October 2023. Good progress on my Landsknecht pike command.
Day 1364 8th October 2023. My Landsknecht pike command are done.
Day 1365 9th October 2023. I've started basing my Landsknecht pike.
Day 1366 10th October 2023. I've finished basing my Landsknecht pike.
Day 1367 11th October 2023. I've assembled my Gendarmes.
Day 1368 12th October 2023. My Gendarmes are ready for painting.
Day 1369 13th October 2023. I've started painting my Landsknecht looters.
Day 1370 14th October 2023. Good progress on my Landsknecht looters.
Day 1371 15th October 2023. Nearly finished my Landsknecht looters.
Day 1372 16th October 2023. My Landsknecht looters are done.
Day 1373 17th October 2023. I've started basing my Landsknecht looters.
Day 1374 18th October 2023. My Landsknecht looters are based. Better photos later.
Day 1375 19th October 2023. I've started on my Gendarmes.
Day 1376 20th October 2023. Horses and basic metal done. Bright colours next.
Day 1377 21st October 2023. I've started the colour schemes for my Gendarmes.
Day 1378 22nd October 2023. Progress with the colour schemes for my Gendarmes.
Day 1379 23rd October 2023. Six Gendarmes done, three to go.
Day 1380 24th October 2023. Nearly there now.
Day 1381 25th October 2023. Session zero for my next ttrpg campaign, EDGESPACE.
Day 1382 26th October 2023. I had a quick Crimea game with James to show him how the rules work.
Day 1383 27th October 2023. My Gendarmes are done.
Day 1384 28th October 2023. I've started basing my Gendarmes.
Day 1385 29th October 2023. My Gendarmes are based.
Day 1385 30th October 2023. Writing adventure seeds for EDGESPACE.
Day 1386 31st October 2023. Writing more adventure seeds for EDGESPACE, I want to make sure I'm ready.