Andrew at Crafts and Minis got me interested in #HobbyStreak last year when he began posting his videos and tweets about his daily progress in the hobby. The idea is that you do a little every day and record it on Twitter with the #HobbyStreak hashtag so that people can follow along and, together with everyone else who's doing the same, you can see some real progress as time passes.
This year I decided to give it a try. You can follow my daily updates on my Twitter feed and, from time to time I'll be updating this page with my progress as well.
This year I decided to give it a try. You can follow my daily updates on my Twitter feed and, from time to time I'll be updating this page with my progress as well.
Day two hundred and forty-five 1st September 2020 Work continues on my Britannia Afghans.
Day two hundred and forty-six 2nd September 2020 Good progress on the Britannia Afghans for my North West Frontier project.
Day two hundred and forty-seven 3rd September 2020 Nearly completed the Britannia Afghans.
Day two hundred and forty-eight 4th September 2020 My Britannia Afghans are done.
Day two hundred and forty-nine 5th September 2020 Tonight we played the fourth instalment of our Merry Outlaws ttrpg. Our heroes investigated the poisoning of Lady Margaret and killed some ambushing Crow Folk.
Day two hundred and fifty 6th September 2020 My final (?) Afghans are based. I'm pretty sure my North West Frontier project is completely complete now.
Day two hundred and fifty-one 7th September 2020 Now that the NWF project is done I'm moving on to some odds and sods while I consider the next big project. Here are some 54mm Demons, some of the first sculpts by Mike Broadbent (based off my drawings) from the mid 80s and some more recent Lucid Eye stuff.
Day two hundred and fifty-two 8th September 2020 My latest painting update; the completion of my North West Frontier project.
Day two hundred and fifty-four 10th September 2020 The demons and Lucid Eye miniatures are finished and based.
Day two hundred and fifty-five 11th September 2020 Time for some skeletons. These are from GW.
Day two hundred and fifty-six 12th September 2020 Today we played the fifth instalment of our Merry Outlaws ttrpg. Our heroes robbed a French column, led the survivors of the Knavesmire raid to safety, drove off the Billige attackers and sacked Wedgemore castle. Then home to bed.
Day two hundred and fifty-seven 13th September 2020 Progress on the GW skeletons.
Day two hundred and fifty-eight 14th September 2020 My GW skeletons are done.
Day two hundred and fifty-nine 15th September 2020 The GW skeletons are based. Better photos soon.
Day two hundred and sixty 16th September 2020 Today I prepped some Riders of the Apocalypse from Reaper Miniatures.
Day two hundred and sixty-one 17th September 2020 Progress on my Reaper Riders of the Apocalypse.
Day two hundred and sixty-two 18th September 2020 My latest painting update; Demons and Ducks.
Day two hundred and sixty-three 19th September 2020 Today we played the 6th instalment of our Merry Outlaws ttrpg. Our heroes broke the back of the Peasnats' army by killing its leader and also slew Lord Clugney of Wedgemore in their efforts to prevent the growing civil war from destroying their home.
Day two hundred and sixty-four 20th September 2020 Working on my Reaper Apocalypse riders.
Day two hundred and sixty-five 21st September 2020 My Reaper Apocalypse riders are done. I bought these in 1994 so it's taken me a while.
Day two hundred and sixty-six 22nd Sptember 2020 My Reaper Riders of the Apocalypse are based. Better photos soon.
Day two hundred and sixty-seven 23rd September 2020 Next up, Camel Corps! These are Britannia Miniatures' figures. More pith helmets after all.
Day two hundred and sixty-eight 24th September 2020 Making progress with my Camel Corps.
Day two hundred and sixty-nine 25th September 2020 The camels are finished. Just the Corps part left I guess.
Day two hundred and seventy 26th September 2020 Today we played the 7th instalment of our Merry Outlaws ttrpg campaign. Our heroes scourged their village of foreign invaders as the civil war continued and plague appeared in besieged Hexham.
Day two hundred and seventy-one 27th September 2020 Nearly done.
Day two hundred and seventy-two 28th September 2020 Completed and based Camel Corps. Better photos soon.
Day two hundred and seventy-four 30th September 2020 I've finished the 54mm miniatures and ordered some more. These make good gods or titans in 28mm games.