Our first games night of 2020 was undersubscribed because Michaela is in Japan but we still managed to have fun.
We started with a couple of games of Agatha Christie's Death on the Cards which I bought on a whim. Luckily it turned out to be a great little deduction game. I was the murderer in the first game and was caught (curses!) and Giro was the murderer in the second. Poirot arrived and spotted him immediately which was satisfying and thematic. Felix approved.
After this, we moved on to Century Eastern Wonders, a Eurogame about trading spices and stuff. Giro won this one by 4 points so it was close at the finish. I liked the game but found the board fiddly- I really don't like boards made up of tiles. Also, there was a lot of artwork on the tiles which was only there for flavour but was never looked at during play, it just served to get in the way, which is a shame because it's decent enough art.
Kevin joined us for part of the evening. She's not usually a games cat so that was a pleasant bonus.
Our first games night of 2020 was undersubscribed because Michaela is in Japan but we still managed to have fun.
We started with a couple of games of Agatha Christie's Death on the Cards which I bought on a whim. Luckily it turned out to be a great little deduction game. I was the murderer in the first game and was caught (curses!) and Giro was the murderer in the second. Poirot arrived and spotted him immediately which was satisfying and thematic. Felix approved.
After this, we moved on to Century Eastern Wonders, a Eurogame about trading spices and stuff. Giro won this one by 4 points so it was close at the finish. I liked the game but found the board fiddly- I really don't like boards made up of tiles. Also, there was a lot of artwork on the tiles which was only there for flavour but was never looked at during play, it just served to get in the way, which is a shame because it's decent enough art.
Kevin joined us for part of the evening. She's not usually a games cat so that was a pleasant bonus.
23,02,2020 Last night we didn't have a boardgame evening because Giro was away running his annual charity game for GameBlast20. Felix wondered why Giro was on the telly and not round with us for games.
08.03.2020 No Michaela last night so we broke out a boardgame rather than continuing with the Clockwork and Chivalry roleplaying campaign. Giro introduced us to Isle of Skye, a kingdom building tile game with an interesting auction mechanic. Sadly I didn't take any photos during play because I was TOO BUSY WINNING!!!!