Andrew at Crafts and Minis got me interested in #HobbyStreak last year when he began posting his videos and tweets about his daily progress in the hobby. The idea is that you do a little every day and record it on Twitter with the #HobbyStreak hashtag so that people can follow along and, together with everyone else who's doing the same, you can see some real progress as time passes.
This year I decided to give it a try. You can follow my daily updates on my Twitter feed and, from time to time I'll be updating this page with my progress as well.
This year I decided to give it a try. You can follow my daily updates on my Twitter feed and, from time to time I'll be updating this page with my progress as well.
Day 883 1st June 2022. My latest painting update, Elizabethans and Scottish.
Day 884 2nd June 2022. My Scottish caliver men (well, half of them) are ready for colours.
Day 885 3rd June 2022. Blocking in the basic colours.
Day 886 4th June 2022. Making progress.
Day 887 5th June 2022. Painted some 3D printed cactus.
Day 888 6th June 2022. Guns and faces left to do.
Day 889 7th June 2022. Half my Scottish Calivers are done.
Day 890 8th June 2022. The second half of my Scottish Calivers are ready for paint.
Day 891 9th June 2022. 15 more tree bases painted and flocked. All done now, the forest upgrade is complete.
Day 892 10th June 2022. Blocking in the base colours.
Day 893 11th June 2022. Good progress on my Scottish calivers.
Day 894 12th June 2022. Just the faces and equipment left to do now.
Day 895 13th June 2022. My Scottish calivers are done.
Day 896 14th June 2022. I've started basing my Scottish calivers.
Day 897 15th June 2022. My Scottish calivers are based.
Day 898 16th June 2022. Continuing to add to my terrain collection. I painted these three resin haystacks.
Day 899 17th June 2022. Scottish archers ready to go.
Day 900 18th June 2022. Blocking in the basic colours.
Day 901 19th June 2022. Making good progress on my Scottish archers.
Day 902 20th June 2022. My Scottish archers are done.
Day 903 21st June 2022. I've started basing my Scottish archers.
Day 904 22nd June 2022. My Scottish archers are based.
Day 905 23rd June 2022. Swordsmen next.
Day 906 24th June 2022. Blocking in the basic colours on my Scottish swordsmen.
Day 907 25th June 2022. This evening, we met up virtually to play Race for the Galaxy and Fluxx on boardgame arena.
Day 908 26th June 2022. Good progress on my Scottish swordsmen.
Day 909 27th June 2022. My Scottish swordsmen are done.
Day 910 28th June 2022. My Scottish swordsmen are based.
Day 911 29th June 2022. This evening I painted the bases on some Cthonic columns I bought a while ago so they matched my table a little better and added some flock and tidying to a set of hedges that arrived today.
Day 912 30th June 2022. I've assembled and base coated my Scottish horse.