Lava Pools
I needed some lava pools for my Phantasy Star Offline game but they're also useful for all sorts of settings particularly cavern exploration in RPGs. They're also incredibly easy to make. I started by cutting out some shapes from 1.5mm plasticard/ sheet styrene. I uses some clippers but scissors work just as well. I edged each piece of plasticard with my home made basing compound. This is a mixture of paint, PVA glue and sand.
If you don't have a basing medium you use then some ready mixed filler works just as well. I sprinkled on some model railway grit for added texture (as I do with all my bases). I left everything to dry thoroughly. This doesn't take very long, about 60 to 90 minutes.
Next I added bubbles to add to the impression that this was lava. I bought a selection of hemispheres from the craft section on eBay, they're cheap.
I stuck the hemispheres in place with PVA glue. I applied the glue to the underside of each hemisphere and then squished them on to the plasticard. The glue is forced out all around the hemispheres which gives an extra bit of texture and hides any irregularities in the join.
Once everything was dry I dry brushed the edges with my usual mix of sandy base colours and painted the lava in shades of orange.
Here's a video showing how easy my basing mixture is to make.
My basing colours.
The finished lava pools.