The plan
This project is designed to fill the role of systems like DBA and give me an excuse to prepare some armies for the table and play with them without having to commit to a huge number of miniatures for each and the time and expense that would entail. I am planning to produce about four (maybe more) armies to play Neil Thomas' One Hour Wargames. These armies consist of six elements drawn from a pool of ten so I shall be assembling and painting all ten options (and some extras, more on those later). The Army
The Conquistadores are a fairly standard army for these rules. They don't have pikes however, the foot element of their infantry bases is made up of sword and buckler men. Instead of Reiters the Conquistadores have artillery. The completed army will consist of four infantry units, two artillery units, two swordsmen units and two cavalry units plus any extra options I decide to include. Sword and buckler men
Since they make up such a large part of the army I've decided to start with the sword and buckler men. These will make up the front ranks of the centre stands in the four infantry units and one of the units of swordsmen. All these miniatures are from Foundry. Next up are some 'command' miniatures, drummers, standard bearers and clergy that will form the rear ranks of the four infantry unit centre bases. These are also Foundry miniatures but I've included a set of six clergy from Perry's Crusader range to keep the numbers up for this batch which may be added to the artillery bases but are more likely to be used as separate leader bases.
Next are the arquebusiers. These, along with some crossbowmen will form the 'shot' arms of the four infantry units. All these miniatures are from Foundry.
Next up are the crossbowmen from The Assault Group.
Here are the completed infantry units.
Two crews from Foundry. One with the tiny gun they come with and one with a replacement gun from Gringo 40s. The third crew and gun is from The Assault Group. Command
For my general I picked the Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, 1st Duke of Santángelo, and staff pack from The Assaut Group. The flag is from eBay. |
A resin shrine from Alternative Armies with the Perry clergy for scale.
The clergy did end up as leader bases in the end.
Troops from all three armies so far.
My idea for religious bases accompanying an army
Religion was a very important factor for all of the armies I'm preparing in this project and I wanted to include miniatures to show this. They are nice enough as scenic additions but I also wanted them to have an effect on the games. I've decided initially that each army will roll off against each other before each scenario with the winner having religious support for that game. Religious support will confer an extra hit point to every unit in that army. Just a little boost to morale that equates to the opponent needing, on average, two more damage rolls to destroy the favoured army. Obviously this might change after play-testing. Cavalry
Two units of demi lances from The Assault Group. the flag is from eBay. Swordsmen
Two units of swordsmen ( and dogs) from The Assault Group. |
2023 Expanding the army
The Conquistadores are going to have six new units to bring them up to eighteen. I'm going to do four pike bases to replace the sword and buckler men in the infantry units to make the army a continental Spanish army since I've sold my Aztecs. The sword and buckler bases will become swordmen units. The final two units I'm adding are a pair of Reiters. Here are the pikes which I got from Casting Room Miniatures. The command figures for the pikes are from Foundry.
The reiters are from Casting Room Miniatures.
Here are the new pikes with their shot wings.
Here are the original infantry centre bases deployed as swordsmen.