The plan
This project is designed to fill the role of systems like DBA and give me an excuse to prepare some armies for the table and play with them without having to commit to a huge number of miniatures for each and the time and expense that would entail. I am planning to produce about four (maybe more) armies to play Neil Thomas' One Hour Wargames. These armies consist of six elements drawn from a pool of ten so I shall be assembling and painting all ten options (and some extras, more on those later). The Army
This army is a fanciful one that will allow me to field some of the more exotic miniatures that are available from many manufacturers. Principally, I'll be using a core of Games Workshop flagellants as my infantry. These will be supported by armed clergy from Westwind as their missile-armed wings. Infantry
I bought a set of 33 flagellants off eBay. I've added a final flesh highlight to them as the skin was a bit dark and mended any scuffs. Some have broken weapons but I've left them as they are. Then it was off with the bases and away with the slotta tabs. I plan to drill and pin them to the group bases. Banners
I don't have any banners or flags planned for the flagellants, instead, I'm going to have them following behind impaled skeletons in wheelbarrows pushed by nuns and choir boys. The Skeletons are 3D prints from eBay (I really must get my resin printer up and running), the wheelbarrows are from Warbases and the nuns and choirboys are from Westwind. I may add flames to the tops of the stakes, I've not decided yet. Change of plan for the flagellants. I've found some flags for them and I'm not convinced by the wheelbarrows and nuns idea so it's back to a 'normal' unit configuration for them. I turned the ones with broken weapons into standard bearers.
The clergy
The 'wings' of the infantry bases will be made up of clergy, several armed with crossbows and grenades and the rest brandishing curses and prophesies of Divine Wrath. My clergy are from Westwind. The last two wings were going to be made up of some 'Vatican hit squad' miniatures from Westwind but, on closer inspection, they weren't suitable so I'm going to add another eight clergy instead.
This particular army has had a lot of changes, I'm doing my best to document them all. Hopefully, it will all be alright in the end. The completed infantry units.
My warbands for this army are instead of swordsman units. All the miniatures are all from Gripping Beast. The first unit is a group of fanatical Witchhunters. The second is a group of fanatical heretic hunters.
For the artillery option I've decided to use powder pigs. These are from Lead Adventure Miniatures available from Magister Militum. The resin barrels I got from ebay and the wheelbarrows were seconded from the aborted nuns idea mentioned previously. They're from Warbases. Cavalry
My cavalry have undergone many changes of plans before I settled on their final form. I've decided to have herds of 'stampeding' oxen driven forward by armed peasants. The oxen are from First Corps and the peasants are from Alternative armies. The Grand Inquisitor
The commander for this army is a 3D resin print I bought off eBay. Baggage
I bought some carts from First Corps to be generic baggage elements for any of the armies (perhaps not the Aztecs). I've added some Alternative Armies bandits as drovers. I decided not to include the drovers as the scale difference was noticable and they'd limit the usefulness of the carts for other periods.
With these done, my Renaissance Warfare project is complete. |
As I was starting this army I got a nasty infection in my leg which put me out of action for three weeks. This was the first hurdle to overcome. There were more to come.
Basing the flagellants
I didn't want to be messing around trying to squeeze basing compound between all the flagellant legs so I decided to prepare a set of blank but terrained bases for them. Then I added a pin to the underside of each miniature and drilled a coresponding hole in the base. Once everyone was glued in position, I added static grass as usual and sanded the undersides of the bases so everything was flush and smooth.
Burning heretics
For some scenic flavour I got three burning heretics from Irregular miniatures. Artillery
As an alternative artillery option I bought this characterful Bell Gun from Lead Adventure Miniatures available from Magister Militum. Clergy command bases
These clergy are from Perry Miniatures and will serve as religious bases for the Lansknechts too. These farming monks are from First Corps.
Processing monks, also from First Corps.