The world of Yarth has two moons and the stars crowd the night sky. Far, far in our future the universe is contracting...
Here are told the adventures of Hungry Joe and Hugh Mungous- warriors, Milo and Lee Tille- thieves and rogues, Binja and Tonkatsu- priest and priestess of mysterious gods and Yohane and Dalja- wizards and tamers of demons.
They wander the world of Yarth in its last days finding entertainment in whatever adventures befall them and companionship in each other and the friends they make along the way.
Here are told the adventures of Hungry Joe and Hugh Mungous- warriors, Milo and Lee Tille- thieves and rogues, Binja and Tonkatsu- priest and priestess of mysterious gods and Yohane and Dalja- wizards and tamers of demons.
They wander the world of Yarth in its last days finding entertainment in whatever adventures befall them and companionship in each other and the friends they make along the way.